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Katharsis by Yvette Nolan

A love letter to the empty theatre.

Warriors returning from battle 
used to have to go through purification rituals 
before they could rejoin their communities. 
What ceremony will allow us to gather again? 

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Speculation by Leslie Ting

Speculation takes the audience through stages of grief, vision loss and silence. The music of Beethoven and John Cage, and experimental projections accompany an immersive storytelling of the artist Leslie Ting’s witnessing of her mother’s vision loss and eventual passing.

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Frequencies by HEIST

“I’m telling you I miss someone I’ve never met” proclaims Aaron Collier, star of HEIST’s innovative storytelling show Frequencies. Best described as one part techno concert, one part autobiographical confessional, audiences are swept into a waking dream with Collier and his keyboards, while exploring his deep connection with family.

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